Sunday, August 26, 2012

Themed Hotel Rooms

    Nowadays, most of the hotel are prepared themed hotel rooms for their client, this kind of design has gradually become popular, especially for western countries. They believe that these kind of idea can attract more travelers to  base in their hotel, and it can also enhance the performance and visibility of the hotel. Most of the people are prefer to this kind of design, because they can choose the theme room that is suitable to them.
    All of the design are very creative and daring, they are very careful consideration to the needs of the consumers as well. I realise that for a designer, we are not only design a thing that only follow our own idea, at the same time we have to consider what kind of design are really meet costumer needs, for a successful designer they are not only design a beautiful thing, but they always taking to what are costumer needs.


1. Cory Doctorow.August 26,2012.Barbie-themed hotel rooms for three year olds that cost €1,600/night


2. Interior Design Center. August 26,2012.6 Best usual themed hotel rooms inspiration


3. IT Blog. August 26,2012.Quirky Hotels Around the Country


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Nowadays, people like to adorn their mobile phone, like example, they pay to people to design a nice mobile phone cover.They can enactment about what kind of style they are interested and the designer will design a unique phone cover for them.Along with the fashion, most of the people are start to buy the accessory and they can easily create a unparalleled phone cover with themselve .Some of the design are very interesting, they playing with colour and graphic pattern to make the design become attractive. After i saw these design, i feel excited and like to create a unique phone cover for my phone, it is not only to help us exert our design ability, it is also a chance to let us release our pressure.

Mr. Kate. 21 August, 2012 . DIY japanese inspired phone cover

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wall Sticker

Nowadays, citizen is start to care about what is design? why design so important in our life? Most of people stress with their work, study, and family. They need a place to rest and relax. "Home", a place to let us feel warm and comfortable, many people is  start to design their house with using wall sticker to create a place is suitable with their style and let them rest when they feel pressure some time.

This kind of design is really inspire me, people can easily design their house to become a really nice place, without wasted their money and time. They only have to choose the sticker they are really like it and follow the step to stick the sticker.
They can use the sticker to decorate their living room, baby room,kitchen, and leisure place.

 I realise that, design is really important in our life, it can affect our feeling and emotion. For a designer, we must know what kind of design can really convey the feeling to our consumer, and understand their needs, and fix their needs, there is a responsibility for a designer.

wall sticker outlet.August 8,2012.Wall murals.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Home aquarium design

Nowadays, most of the people prefer to design a home aquarium in their house, it is really amazing.But, there also have more benefit with this kind of interior design, the aquarium will add to the fresh sensation in the house, the interior of the house will feel more alive when you bringing aquarium in interior decoration. The aquarium can help eliminate stress, by looking at the aquarium and fish in it will make the mind becomes calmer san relaxed. From a result, people will feel calm and relax when they listen to the sound of water, it is really suitable for the citizen that who feel pressure in their life. For a designer, we have to be innovative, however it is a impossible work or we never see it before.

admin.August 8,2012.Awesome aquarium artwork interior fashion.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

CD Hovercraft

This is a CD hovercraft that made by primary school students. This is really inspire me when i saw this experiment. They use a balloon, cd and rubber stopper to make it flying like a UFO, it is very interesting and creative, by using such simple material can create a novelty toys.We always busy with our homework and assignment, we never pay attention to the things that always around us. For a designer, we should always make innovative and create something new,even a small details on our daily life. In addition, we should not give up for any possible opportunities for make some innovation, even if it only have a small opportunity.

1.) Geekfans, (2011-3-28),光盘气垫船

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chinese Traditional Art

This is one of our chinese traditional art, the first picture show a winning entries in China. This kind of art began in China, this is a very general art for chinese people, not only for artist, most of people also can create their own chinese scissor cut artwork.I am very admire of those people who know the  chinese scissor cut. Because most of them have not received any professional courses, their idea is only from the small details of their lives, such as celebrations, animals, text, etc .These concepts play out their own creativity and cut out a lot of  beautiful pattern or shape in their artwork. In this technological era, we often forget the tradition. In fact, creative origin in history, in our courses, we have also to learn the history of art. When we are creating our modern art design, did not forget the precious of our art history.

新华网, 2008, 中阳.全国剪纸艺术大展优秀作品集.

Monday, July 16, 2012


This is really inspire me when i saw these picture, the people who use a lighter and turn it to be a motorcycle. He try to unfasten it to many small part, and reassembled it to become a very cute and small motorcycle. I feel wonder to the person who have this idea and try to construct it,because it is really amazing and fantastic. After i saw these picture, i feel everyone of us have never pay attention to the small things that  appear in our life. Unfortunately, we have lost a lot of chance to create a new thing or design. I realise that, ideas is always around us, but we never have intentions to observe it.

1) xaxor, (2011), Motorcycles from lighter parts (14 Pics)

2) linetradee, (2012), lighter,r:16,s:0,i:191