Sunday, August 26, 2012

Themed Hotel Rooms

    Nowadays, most of the hotel are prepared themed hotel rooms for their client, this kind of design has gradually become popular, especially for western countries. They believe that these kind of idea can attract more travelers to  base in their hotel, and it can also enhance the performance and visibility of the hotel. Most of the people are prefer to this kind of design, because they can choose the theme room that is suitable to them.
    All of the design are very creative and daring, they are very careful consideration to the needs of the consumers as well. I realise that for a designer, we are not only design a thing that only follow our own idea, at the same time we have to consider what kind of design are really meet costumer needs, for a successful designer they are not only design a beautiful thing, but they always taking to what are costumer needs.


1. Cory Doctorow.August 26,2012.Barbie-themed hotel rooms for three year olds that cost €1,600/night


2. Interior Design Center. August 26,2012.6 Best usual themed hotel rooms inspiration


3. IT Blog. August 26,2012.Quirky Hotels Around the Country


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