Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chinese Traditional Art

This is one of our chinese traditional art, the first picture show a winning entries in China. This kind of art began in China, this is a very general art for chinese people, not only for artist, most of people also can create their own chinese scissor cut artwork.I am very admire of those people who know the  chinese scissor cut. Because most of them have not received any professional courses, their idea is only from the small details of their lives, such as celebrations, animals, text, etc .These concepts play out their own creativity and cut out a lot of  beautiful pattern or shape in their artwork. In this technological era, we often forget the tradition. In fact, creative origin in history, in our courses, we have also to learn the history of art. When we are creating our modern art design, did not forget the precious of our art history.

新华网, 2008, 中阳.全国剪纸艺术大展优秀作品集.

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