Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chinese Traditional Art

This is one of our chinese traditional art, the first picture show a winning entries in China. This kind of art began in China, this is a very general art for chinese people, not only for artist, most of people also can create their own chinese scissor cut artwork.I am very admire of those people who know the  chinese scissor cut. Because most of them have not received any professional courses, their idea is only from the small details of their lives, such as celebrations, animals, text, etc .These concepts play out their own creativity and cut out a lot of  beautiful pattern or shape in their artwork. In this technological era, we often forget the tradition. In fact, creative origin in history, in our courses, we have also to learn the history of art. When we are creating our modern art design, did not forget the precious of our art history.

新华网, 2008, 中阳.全国剪纸艺术大展优秀作品集.

Monday, July 16, 2012


This is really inspire me when i saw these picture, the people who use a lighter and turn it to be a motorcycle. He try to unfasten it to many small part, and reassembled it to become a very cute and small motorcycle. I feel wonder to the person who have this idea and try to construct it,because it is really amazing and fantastic. After i saw these picture, i feel everyone of us have never pay attention to the small things that  appear in our life. Unfortunately, we have lost a lot of chance to create a new thing or design. I realise that, ideas is always around us, but we never have intentions to observe it.

1) xaxor, (2011), Motorcycles from lighter parts (14 Pics)

2) linetradee, (2012), lighter,r:16,s:0,i:191

Friday, July 13, 2012


This is our drawing II assignment, and we suppose to draw a painting to represent "Malaysia Tourism".This is one of my friend's artwork and the location is Pulau Sipadan Island. Sipadan island is located off the town of Semporna on the East Coast of Sabah. He success to create a very nice painting, and the colour tone is really inspire me, the colours is very attractive, he is using warm and cool colour and mixing together to show the colourful of this painting. From this painting, i realise that colours is very important for design and artwork.Color is one of the indispensable element in our lives.We could not live without color, even black and white colour. I would try to apply this kind of technique to create very high visibility in my artwork to attract people attention.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Today's teenager are prefer to design their own shoes, even if they have not received any professional courses, they can also design their own preferences for their own style shoes,it is very creative.They use color, lines, patterns to apply on their work and it is very colourful and delicateness to attracted people's attention.Besides, they can oso sell their works through internet to earn some extra income. From these works,i realise that as long as you are creative and have your own ideas, you can create your own design. . .This is a very good experience for me ,and i  be able to find some creative inspiration from their design.


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