Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Digital photography

This is one of my last semester project, this assignment we have to create our own couple watch design. The most pattern i use on my design is line and shape, i use the simple shape like example circle to create many different of pattern, it is very interesting and amazing, that how easier of using photoshop software that we can create a very creative and nice of graphic pattern.The most of background is just using the line and shape to fill in, that means not only image can represent creative, we can also just using the simple line to make it creative and unique, like the line design, however it is just the simple line but we can change the thickness and the position of the line to make it look nicely and creative~~~
After i finish this project, i saw the wonderful effect of line and shape, i will try more by using all these element in my design, because that is no limit to create many different of new graphic pattern by using line , may be we can create a graphic that we never see it before.

Monday, June 18, 2012

mickey mouse

Last week, I with a group of my friends go to the mickey mouse exhibitions in mid valley . there are many interesting  mickey mouse design, in everyone's impression of mickey mouse are have an red pants, black ears and yellow shoes.But in the last exhibition I saw many types of mickey mouse that we've never seen before, very interesting.The designers use many different materials to do the design of these mickey mouse, some in magazines, accessories, fabrics and paper to complete the design,especially the children.In these designs, the designer uses a lot of bright colors, so that these mickey mouse is very attractive, in the design also contains the lines, shapes to creat a mickey mouse design. I think this exhibition is very meaningful and not only for children,it also let us learn a lot about design.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


All these photos i downloaded from a website, all the landscape pictures are really attract my eye and use few minutes to see all the picture. Through the picture i can see the professional photographer from these photos. Today, i with a group of my friends to Taman Jaya' garden and took some landscape pictures, we use the technic when we learn from our Digital Photography lecturer ms lee in our tutorial class last week, photography is not a simple thing, a lot of technic we have to learn and use it to produce a good photo, i will put more effort and try my best to learn more on digital photography...^^

all the picture i downloaded from:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Robert Couturier

Robert Couturier:  " What I do is not necessarily cost-effective for commercial enterprise."he explain: "I have an expensive eye. I never use historical reproductions .I simply won't buy a fake anything. Either I can buy the real thing or I 'll move on to something else authentic."

Robert Couturies is one of my admire interior designer, who shows their own style from their design work. His design concept all is influenced by Jear Michel Frank.



Jear Michel Frank


Robert Couturier

                                                      Robert Couturier's design work

In the last semester, I have done my computer graphic assignment by using him as my magazine design topic "Interior Designer"

                                                    My Assignment "magazine layout design"

Computer Graphic assignment "magazine layout design"



Sunday, June 3, 2012

Creative thinking & idea generation

This is my very final course work in the last semester. I am happy because i have the chance to do something that have relation to my idol T-ARA.and now it's the whole new beginning of second semester...all my friend~~~FIGHTING!!!